an exclusive Art Show in the COCO-MAT Store in Hannover Bemerode
Dear friends of art,
each of us sleeps at night, but not everyone is aware of the spaces they dwell in. In this special exhibition taking place from May 4th to 25th, 2024, I will be showcasing my works from my art collection COSMIC, centered around the theme of the universe. I invite you to journey through darkness and light, immersing yourselves in a world that transcends the boundaries of the known.
This exhibition is an ode to the unknown darkness that we enter every night in our sleep, which serves as the source of our energetic recharge.
Within the spaces of the COCO-MAT Store at Bemeroderstr. 71 in Hannover, my abstract compositions on canvas and acrylic glass reflect the complexity of darkness and its connection to light. Let yourselves be enchanted by the magic of darkness and the beauty of the unknown.
For behind the apparent darkness lies a world full of possibilities and insights...

I cordially invite to the
on SATURDAY May, 4th, 2024 at 6 pm
with LIVE-MUSIC and Artist Talk
and to the
on SATURDAY May, 25th, 2024 at 6 pm
with LIVE-MUSIC and Artist Talk

See the announcement of the art show by Stadtkind.
Opening Hours of the Art Show are same as of the COCO-MAT Store
Tuesday to Friday 10 am -1 pm and 2-6 pm
Saturday 10 am - 3 pm
For personal visit with the artist please contact
me at
Looking forward to see you!
Creative Greetings
Jana Nirvana